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Gangstress Page 4

  I wanted to ask him why he was being so nosy, but I decided that he was only trying to help me, so I controlled my tongue. “Real talk, Officer Bryant.” I peeped the gold name tag. “I fell on hard times and came to see Gudda because he owed my daddy some money.”

  “So you thought you was bad enough to roll up in the spot and take what you thought was yours?” He was amused.

  “First of all, I didn’t roll up acting like a Billy bad ass. I politely asked the nigga for my father’s money, and one thing led to another.” As I talked, a call came over Bryant’s walkie-talkie asking him if he needed assistance.

  “No, I’m on my way back empty-handed. The suspect got away.” He spoke while looking at me. “You better get lost before my squad catches you here.”

  “Thanks for the lookout.”

  “Take my card in case you find yourself in any more shit.” He reached into his uniform pants and produced a white card with blue writing.

  “Would it be too much to ask for my gun back?” I smiled innocently, although I wasn’t dumb enough to let this nigga walk away with evidence that could put me away for a very long time.

  “You Doeshers are a trip.” He shook his head. “Take it and get lost! I better not catch you nowhere near the trap again.”

  “Roger that!” I turned around and once again ran off into the distance.

  Chapter Eight

  After getting my free pass from Officer Bryant, I ran off into the darkness of night and didn’t stop until I was at least thirty blocks away from the crime scene. Having no idea what had happened to Ace and Alicia, I approached a lady at the gas station and asked to use her phone. After a minute of staring me down and concluding that I wasn’t shady, she handed over a smart phone covered by a studded Hello Kitty case. The 40-something woman was too damn old to be rocking with Hello Kitty, but I didn’t even have a phone, so who was I to judge?

  “Who dis?” Ace answered on the second ring.

  “It’s Janelle.”

  “Where the hell you at, shorty?” He was concerned.

  “I’m on the corner of Gratiot and Connors at the gas station.”

  “I’m on the way. Sit tight.” We ended the call, and I was relieved that they hadn’t been arrested for sitting in front of the dope spot.

  “Thank you, ma’am.” I smiled and handed her back the phone along with a $20 bill from my pocket.

  Within five minutes, Ace was pulling up on two wheels.

  “Janelle, I’m so glad to see you!” Alicia got out of the car and hugged me like she hadn’t seen me in years. “Girl, I thought you was going to jail for sure.”

  “Me too!” I squeezed her back.

  “How did you get out of there?” Ace puffed on a Newport. I could tell that his nerves were all shot to hell by the expression on his color-drained face. He took his godbrother role very seriously and was really overprotective when it came to me.

  “Some officer named Bryant let me off the hook, and he even gave me the gun back.” I fastened my seat belt.

  “I know Bryant. Your father had him on payroll.” Ace pulled off slowly.

  “How did y’all get away?” I asked.

  “I spotted the SWAT van idling on the corner, so I pulled off and sat three blocks over. I didn’t want to leave you, but I knew it would’ve been bad if we got flicked.” Ace rolled his window down and flicked his cigarette.

  “Janelle, I heard gunshots right after we pulled off. What the fuck was that all about?” Alicia quizzed me.

  “Man, Gudda got stupid, and I shot that fool.” I sighed.

  “Did you kill that nigga?” Ace looked at me with his left brow raised.

  “I don’t think so.” I shook my head, and Ace stopped the car.

  “What did you stop for?” we asked at the same time as Ace slammed on the brakes.

  “Next time you shoot a nigga you better kill ’em.”

  “Why?” Alicia asked.

  “No witnesses and no evidence!” he reminded her. “Ain’t nothing we can do about Gudda right now anyway, but we can get rid of the evidence. Open the door and drop the burner into the sewer,” he instructed. “The water will wash all the fingerprints away, and by tomorrow that bitch will have floated all the way into the Detroit River.”

  I did as I was told, and we headed back to Alicia’s house in silence.

  Chapter Nine

  We said our goodbyes to Alicia and watched her until she was safely inside her house. “Are you sure it’s cool that I post up at your crib?”

  “Yeah, I told you, mi casa es su casa.” He pulled off and headed to the two-bedroom flat he shared with his best friend, Damien.

  He and Damien ran several traps for Uncle Chucky, and from what I could tell, Ace had become the man on the west side of the city. His phone stayed off the hook with order requests, and it reminded me of how my father used to get down. Speaking of my father, during the ride to Ace’s house, I realized this was the first time we had been alone in all the years we’d known each other. For some odd reason, I began to feel nervous. There was always an invisible line we never crossed because of my father, and now that he was nowhere in the picture, I wondered what would happen between us.

  “Home sweet home.” Ace pulled into the driveway, cut the engine, and helped me retrieve all of my shopping bags. The place was nothing major, but I was thankful not to be going back to Gran’s house, so I dared not complain.

  “There go my nigga right there,” someone yelled as we stepped through the front door. “Come get down on this Madden with ya boy.”

  “What up, D.” Ace spoke to his homeboy and nodded a “what’s up” to the others. The living room was currently being used for a smoking session. There were three men and one girl playing the Xbox while passing around not one but two blunts. The stereo system was bumping Jeezy so loud that the walls were vibrating and my teeth rattled.

  “Yo, cuz, who dat?” Damien paused the game and turned the volume down on the music.

  “This is my godsister, Janelle,” Ace introduced us.

  Damien hopped to his feet and made his way over to me. “Damn, Janelle baby, where you been all my life?” He kissed the back of my hand. I didn’t know what to say, so I smiled politely.

  “Don’t mind this nigga. Come on and let me show you my room.” Ace nodded for me to follow him down a small hallway.

  “Naw, bro, show her fine ass to my room,” Damien teased, and his audience cracked up laughing. “That bitch is fine as a muthafucka!” He spoke in a hushed tone, but I could still hear him.

  “That fool is crazy. Don’t pay him any attention. He’s harmless.” Ace removed the red and white Adidas from his big feet and placed them back into the box on his closet shelf.

  “It’s all good.” I plopped down on the king-sized bed and rested up against the headboard. “I just appreciate having a place to crash until I get right.”

  “So what’s the plan?” Ace removed his red Adidas shirt and hung it up. I tried to ignore the defined chest muscles peeking from behind his white undershirt, but I did sneak a few peeks when he wasn’t looking.

  “Honestly, I don’t know what my next move is.” I sighed. “I can’t go back to my grandmother’s house for sure.”

  “I already told you that you can chill here for however long you need.” He took a seat on the floor across from the bed.

  “Ace, that’s really kind of you but—” Before I could finish, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

  “What?” Ace yelled over the loud music that had started back up.

  “You got a situation out here, bro.” Damien was trying to be discreet, but I could tell the word “situation” was a code word for “female.”

  Ace looked at me apologetically, and I smiled. “You go ahead and handle your business. Just tell me where the shower is.” I was too tired to be concerned about his “situation.”

  “The bathroom is right there.” He pointed to the attached facility.

  “Where am I sleeping?”
I rummaged through my shopping bags in search of nightclothes.

  “You can take the bed, and I’ll sleep in the living room.” He stood and went to the door.

  “Are the sheets clean?” I didn’t want to be lying in some bitch’s nasty juices.

  “Just changed them this morning.” He laughed and left me to get ready for bed.

  Chapter Ten

  After retrieving my things from Bath & Body Works and Victoria’s Secret, I eagerly headed into the bathroom. Surprisingly, it was more spacious and cleaner than I anticipated. There wasn’t much to the space besides white walls, a black rug with the matching shower curtain, and a Scarface movie poster hanging from the wall. I didn’t care what it looked like though. All I wanted to do was peel off my clothes and relax in a hot bubble bath. Gran was so strict about her water bill that I was only allotted one twelve-minute shower per day. Therefore, I was long overdue for a bath.

  I turned the water on full blast and poured in my favorite scent. Immediately, the bathroom smelled of sweet pea and I watched the bubbles form. After a few minutes, the hot water began to steam up the mirror. I anticipated how good my muscles would feel after a long soak. Jumping from that two-story window had done a number on me.

  Before stepping into the bathtub, I wrapped my hair and removed my new jewelry. Just when I decided to step into the bathtub, I remembered I didn’t have a washcloth. Of course! I smacked my lips and headed back into Ace’s bedroom. Freely, I walked through the room naked to retrieve my towel with no worries because he was out in the living room entertaining his company.

  “You better chill that shit out!” I heard yelling over the music. I listened closely and even placed my ear to the door. Someone was not a happy camper.

  “Fuck you, Ace! I came over here to chill with you, and you got another bitch in the back.”

  At the mention of me, my eyes widened, and I laughed. Ace was such a playboy. Although he and I weren’t an item, I would’ve paid to see him talk himself out of this one.

  “I told you that’s my sister! I ain’t gon’ keep repeating myself.” Ace hollered back. By now, Damien had turned the music down so he and his guests could get an earful. I shook my head and turned back toward the bathroom when the bedroom door opened and someone attacked me from behind.

  “Bitch, I knew you was fuckin’ my man.” She was damn near on my back with a death grip on my face. I shook wildly like one of those people covered in flames.

  “What are you doing?” I yelled while Ace tried to pry the girl off of me.

  “You skank bitch! Why can’t you just find your own man?” She hauled off and slapped the shit out me. I had been blindsided, and I felt defenseless because I didn’t know whether to throw a blow or cover my assets, literally.

  After she tried to strike me again, I said fuck it, and we got to bangin’. There was nothing Ace could do at this point because we were all over that room tearing shit up! I gave old girl a one-two combo and hit her with a few jabs to the gut. Of course, hair was pulled, and lips were busted, too. She came hard for me, but in the end, I walked away the victor. The whole incident lasted probably fifteen minutes. By the time it was over, Ace’s room was a mess, and we had an audience in the doorway. I wasn’t sure if they were there to see the cat fight or my vagina, but either way, it irritated me and I was ready to leave.

  Chapter Eleven

  After the brawl, Ace put his female companion out and apologized profusely. I told him that I wasn’t mad at him, but I requested that he drop me back off with Alicia. My hand was swollen, my arms were bruised, and my scalp was sore from that bitch pulling my hair. Ace insisted that I stay, but I told him his house was not the place to be. I wouldn’t be able to face him or his roommate again after they saw my birthday suit, and I damn sure didn’t want any more run-ins with his chickenheads.

  “I thought your pimp hand was strong. You better get them hoes in check.” I laughed as we pulled into Alicia’s driveway. I’d called her when we rounded the corner, so she was waiting for me in the doorway.

  “I ain’t no pimp. Stop saying that.” He licked his lips.

  “Anyway.” I rolled my eyes and retrieved my bags.

  “Are you sure you don’t just want me to get you a hotel room?” he offered for the second time tonight. He was fully aware of the issues Alicia had with her stepfather, and he didn’t want no shit.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. You’ve done so much for me, and it’s already been a long day. I’ll just crash here and call you in the morning.” I gave him a hug, and we said our goodbyes.

  “I’ll slide through here tomorrow and check on you, all right?” he called from the driver’s window as he backed out.

  “Okay. See ya tomorrow.” I smiled and followed Alicia into her home to call it a night.

  Upon my entrance, all I could hear was Marvin Gaye playing loudly and arguing coming from upstairs. “Is everything okay?” Immediately I was concerned.

  “Just ignore it.” Alicia waved off the loud tones and harsh words like everything was peaches and cream. Over the years, she’d gotten used to the fussing and fighting, but I didn’t like it. “Once you get into the basement the sound will go away.”

  She locked the door behind us, and we proceeded downstairs into her bedroom. The large space was a little too messy for my taste, but once again I had no complaints because anything was a major come up from Gran’s apartment. Speaking of Gran, I knew she was probably worried sick about me, so I picked up the phone and called her before she called the police and reported me missing.

  “Hello.” She sounded calm but worried.

  “Hi, Gran.” I cleared my throat. “It’s me, Janelle. I just wanted to let you know that I’m okay.”

  “Where are you?” Now she sounded pissed yet relieved.

  “I’m with one of my friends.” I didn’t want to give my exact whereabouts away. “Her mom said it was cool for me to spend a few nights over,” I lied.

  “Janelle, do you know how worried I’ve been? You were supposed to have your tail back in this house since three o’clock this afternoon.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I know you were worried and I’m sorry. I just needed some time to clear my head.” I looked over at Alicia, who was giving me the “you’re in trouble” face.

  “Clear your head about what, Janelle?” she snapped. “Tell me what in the world a sixteen-year-old could possibly have to clear her head about?”

  “I need to clear my head about everything!” I tried to remain calm, but she was pressing my buttons. Gran wanted me to go on living life like I hadn’t lost my parents nearly a year ago. She had never given me the opportunity to grieve, and I was like a volcano that was ready to erupt.

  “First thing in the morning, I’m coming to get you,” she threatened. “What’s the address?”

  Click. I hung up in her face and handed the phone back to Alicia. “That woman gets on my nerves.” I fell back onto the full-sized bed.

  “She’s just worried like any grandma would be,” Alicia said, trying to play devil’s advocate.

  “There is nothing wrong with being concerned, but she’s flat-out evil. She ain’t right in the head, Ali, I swear.” We both laughed.

  “What are you going to do with all this money?” She patted the Gucci book bag Ace had given me to carry all of the money that was collected earlier today.

  “I want to find us an apartment and then find another way to make more money.” I slid the book bag beneath her bed.

  “Who do you think will give two teenagers an apartment?” Alicia looked skeptical.

  “You better believe money talks.” I slapped her a high five. “Plus my daddy had some good connections.”

  “Okay, let’s say we get this apartment. How in the hell will we pay for it month after month?”

  “I’m a hustler’s daughter. I will always find a way to get money.” I winked. “I might even join the dope game and reclaim my father’s throne.” It was just an idea, but as usual, my best friend was do

  “Whatever you choose to do, I’m riding shotgun.” She gave me a high five, and we talked for a few more hours until we both fell asleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Alicia, there is someone here named Anthony,” Joanne called down the stairs, and I jumped up.

  “Ace is here. Get up.” I tapped Ali.

  “Oh, shit! I have to go brush my teeth and get my face together.” She jumped out of bed and beat me up the stairs.

  “Good morning, Aunt Joanne.” I hugged my friend’s mom. “Tyrone.” I bypassed him.

  “Alicia didn’t tell me you were coming over. How have you been, baby?” Alicia’s full-figured mother asked while retrieving orange juice from the refrigerator.

  “I’m good.”

  “Well, breakfast will be done in a few minutes, okay?” Joanne placed the OJ in front of her husband and turned back toward the stove. Tyrone just glared at me.

  “Hey, Ace. You’re here awfully early.” I noted that the time on the cable box read eight thirty-two.

  “It dawned on me that I forget to buy you the essentials.” He handed me a Walmart bag. “Figured you might need this in order to start your day.”

  Inside of the bag was a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, pads, tampons, and panty liners. Laughing hysterically, I held up the tampons. “Really?”

  “I didn’t want you to get caught slippin’ just in case your friend showed up.” He laughed, and I punched him in the shoulder.

  “Only you would think to buy something like this.”

  “Oh, yeah, I got you a cell phone.” He handed me the Android.

  “Thanks, bro.”

  “No problem.” He stood from the sofa. “Call me later if you need me.” He glared at Tyrone, who was still staring.

  “Will do.” I walked him to the door then closed and locked it.

  “Aw, man, did I miss him?” Alicia ran down the stairs all made up with makeup like she was going somewhere this early in the morning. I just laughed and headed back into the kitchen.

  “So, Janelle, how long are you with us?” Joanne placed four slices of bacon onto Tyrone’s plate.